Prof. Dr. Felipe de Castro Muanis

Professor Felipe de Castro Muanis has a Master’s degree in Social Communication through PUC-Rio and a PhD in the same field through UFMG, with a time in the Bauhaus Universität-Weimar, Germany. He was a visiting professor at Universität Paderborn and Institüt für Medienwissenschaft na Ruhr Universität Bochum (both in Germany) and at International Master in Audiovisual and Cinema Studies (IMACS). He also worked as an illustrator and art director, associated with the Brazilian Illustrators Society (SIB). He published the book “Audiovisual e mundialização: televisão e cinema” (2014) and “A Imagem televisiva: autorreferência, temporalidade, imersão” (2018). He is currently developing research with the theme "The meta-images and the transformation of the visible in contemporary television".