Johannes-Gutenberg Universität Mainz

At Johannes Gutenberg University Mainz, the International Master's in Cinema Studies is a research-oriented specialization in an interdisciplinary and cultural studies perspective. During teaching, the focus is on trans and queer studies, production and format studies, experimental film, and feminist decolonial film and media cultural studies.
The FTMK's combined departments of Film Studies/Media Dramaturgy, Theater Studies, Media Cultural Studies and Cultural Anthropology/European Ethnology as well as the Department of Everyday Media and Digital Cultures are involved in the Master's program.
The media city of Mainz and its surroundings are an attractive location as they offer the opportunity to establish contact with local companies and organizations in the film industry (e.g. ZDF, SWR, arte, Funk, German Film Institute and Film Museum, numerous film festivals). On request, the Institute can assist in arranging internships at partner institutions.
Language Requirements
The language of instruction at Johannes Gutenberg University is generally German. As part of IMACS, at least three courses are also offered in English each semester in Mainz. Term papers can be written in German or English. In German-language seminars, participation in group discussions is also possible in English. However, we recommend that incoming students attend a German course during their stay at Johannes Gutenberg University.
The International Study and Language College offers free German courses to accompany your studies. Registration for the German courses is independent of registration for the seminars of the degree program. You can find detailed information here.
During the semester, various courses are also offered to improve and deepen your German language skills.