Universitá Ca' Foscari Venezia

The University & The Department
Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice is internationally known not only for having its headquarters in one of the most beautiful and culturally rich cities in the world, but also for being an active and dynamic university, with a tradition of excellence in research and teaching, especially in the fields of Oriental Languages, Arts and Humanities, and Economics and Management. Over the past few years, Ca’ Foscari has intensified internationalization and sustainability policies. Particular attention has been given to the challenges imposed by global warming and gender equality, to the recruitment of scholars winning European projects (e.g. Marie Curie, ERC, Interreg, etc.), to the foundation of new research centres, research teams, and specialized schools to face the pressing issues determining the agenda within the HE sector h. The Department of Philosophy and Cultural Heritage, where we would like the IMACS pathway to find its Venice home, has 4 main areas of research: Philosophy, History of the Arts, Social Sciences, Educational Sciences. These areas of research converge in the construction of a critical, interpretive, transversal, and interdisciplinary knowledge, combining the tradition of philosophical studies with Film, Visual and Performing Arts, Theatre and Music, as well as pedagogical and social research.
The educational offer of the Department will ensure a broad range of modules a part of the IMACS’ maquette taken from two master programmes, so as to perfectly cover the disciplinary areas characterising the International Master. They are:
• History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage, where students get advanced knowledge in art historical disciplines, with a focus on Cinema, Photography, Dance, Theatre, and Music;
• Economics and Management of Arts and Cultural Activities, where students get advanced knowledge and skills in organizing art and cultural events – especially in the field of Film and Media Studies – combining humanistic and managerial approaches. This programme has a specific curriculum in English.
The educational offer for IMACS incoming students becomes even richer and more articulated considering the postgraduate programme revolving around the Department’s two international PhD courses, in the frame of which several seminars and research events are scheduled over the course of the year. If interested, IMACS students will be supported to attend these events. On top of this, a number of members of staff teaching in other Master’s Degrees (Cultural Anthropology, European, American, and Postcolonial Languages and Literatures, Languages and Civilizations of Asia and Mediterranean Africa) can be included in the students’ module list upon consultation with the local coordinators in order to support specific research projects.
In terms of expertise and specific research areas, Ca’ Foscari, University of Venice will deliver modules positioned within three main clusters:
- Film & Visual Culture;
- Film and Festival Studies;
- Film and Media in relation to specific geographical areas, especially Asia, allowing for an informed focus on Postcolonial, Anthropological and Cultural Studies.
The local coordinator for the IMACS programme is Miriam De Rosa.
Numerous staff is involved in delivering the modules included the IMACS maquette. Find their personal profile by clicking on their name:
Italian/English courses
Ca’ Foscari offers Italian language modules to exchange students. Further details here: https://www.unive.it/pag/9912/
A number of modules included both in the M1 and M2 offer are delivered in English. Please check out the maquette to find out more.
The IMACS programme at Ca’ Foscari, is attached to the MA History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage. As such, the minimum requirements are those of the MA programme that are listed here. In case you are not sure you meet the requirements or if you do not meet them, please make contact with the local coordinators over email: each application will be carefully looked at alongside with the Director of the MA programme to consider the eligibility.
Students who intend to enrol in Venice must meet the above requirements and are asked to prepare:
- A 2-page project indicating the area of research of their interest, the authors/artists/case studies they intend to dwell upon in their research, the methodology they intend to adopt, up to 8 bibliographical references deemed essential.
- A mobility project listing up to 3 destinations selected from the universities participating in the IMACS network, alongside a motivation of why they have been selected.
These documents must be sent to the coordinators alongside a CV, any linguistic and pertinent internship certificates according to the guidelines and by the deadline indicated in the IMACS EoI available on the MA History of Arts and Conservation of Artistic Heritage webpage (tab study > imacs)
Students who intend to come to Venice for their M1 or M2 exchange have to refer to their local coordinator and may ask for information/advice from Prof. De Rosa over email.
The programme has no fee but IMACS students will be framed as visiting students. As a visiting student you will be charged approx. 200 euros to ensure you can receive all services and you can access all facilities and Ca’ Foscari buildings and libraries.