Universiteit van Amsterdam

The International Master in Audiovisual and Cinema Studies (IMACS) deals with the historical, theoretical, philosophical, aesthetical and political study of film and audiovisual culture in an interdisciplinary context. While students follow courses that address ongoing discussions in media studies at large (classical texts in media) they also have the possibility to deepen their interests for film and cinema within two courses that disclose ongoing issues and debates in the theory and history of visual culture such as “Film Theories and Film Practices” and “Media archeology” or to enlarge their interests for the field of television and cross media in the courses “Society and Infrastructure” or “Aesthetics and Practices”.
Each year we also offer a wide range of research seminars led by prominent media scholars and researchers in the area of, for example, ethics, media ecology, cinematic cities, early film theory, fashion, design and costume, or the body. Next to these courses students could also actively engage in tutorials with instructors that are experts in their respective field of research.
“Doing research” (in a solid, critical and self-reflexive manner) is definitely central to the program and will facilitate the completion of a thesis that, in an innovative and rigorous way, touches upon relevant aspects of film and visual culture.
Also the UvA provides a very stimulating environment for conducting research and dialogues within academic contexts (e.g. attending conferences and workshops) or cultural platforms (e.g. Eye Institute, Sound and Vision).